Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Who's Who in Pieced Together Quilters - Ann Seals

Ann began quilting in 1999 after her “soul-mate” was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Sadly, Tony passed away several years ago before Ann finished a quilt for him.

She had seen a notice for the quilt class at San Lorenzo Adult School and enrolled.  Her first class was Baby Beginners with Kathy.  Because she was a sewer before, Ann only needed to take the class once.  (I took it three times and I was a sewer too – way to go Ann.)

Debbie, Maggie, Cheryl and Diana took Ann to dinner and told her about our Pieced Together Quilters group. She joined the evening group earlier this year as soon as it was offered.

Not married and without children, Ann has one spoiled little black Toy Poodle named Simba. He is 12 years old and he is Mama’s little BABY! (I can relate – I have a little 12 year-old Chihuahua who is Mama’s little girl.)  Barbara Baxter inserts that the reason she is so gorgeous is due to the lack of stress a spouse and children would bring.

Ann’s a baker and was President of the African-American Quilt Guild for four years.  The group knew she had a special talent for seeing what needs to be done and could find the right person to help out.

A little know fact about Ann is a computer junkie! She plays games, surfs, even repairs her own computer. She loves to work out a problem with her computer – but doesn’t want to do it for anyone else. And!!! She HATES pink. One evening she was late to class and as a joke, everyone wore pink. 

She calls herself a shy person and covers it up by being outgoing.  She is a very inventive quilter – calling herself a REBEL. Kathy never knew what Ann would come up with next.

Ann is employed by Wells Fargo Bank as a data analyst and was previously a system/database administrator.  She was born in Houston Texas and moved to San Francisco when she was eight years old. Now she calls San Lorenzo home. 

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